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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Another Lead 2 Problem: Narrow Pacemaker Escapes
Report:Sinus bradycardia 38/min Left atrial abnormality Pacemaker escape beats Escape-capture bigeminy ST/T changes c/c ischæmia Comment:Lead 2 rhythm strip (misprinted as lead 1 – we had a machine that always did it) shows narrow paced beats at some
Early Repolarisation – Inferior Leads[!xe "Early repolarisation:inferior leads" \b \i!]
Report: Sinus rhythm Borderline right axis deviation +90o ST elevation, inferior leads, consistent with early repolarisation Trace within normal limits[!xe "Normal ECG:early repolarisation" \b \i!] Comment: Early repolarisation is a mysterious variant
Chronotropic Incompetence
Report:Atrial fibrillation with “controlled” response Accelerated idioventricular rhythm (AIVR) VEBs Comment:Although the ventricular rate appears favourable, it is in fact inappropriately slow in the setting of shock, pulmonary hypertension (see the p
LVH Voltage: Large R2
Report:Sinus rhythm 86/min Short PR interval 0.10” Possible LGL syndrome Left ventricular hypertrophy voltage RL2 > 15mm = 26mm Comment: The precordial leads also have high voltages: SV1 + RV6 or RV6 (Sokolow-Lyon index) > 35 mm. A voltage criterion
Global T Wave Inversion
Report: Sinus rhythm Old inferior infarction Probable left ventricular hypertrophy Global T wave inversion[! XE "Global T wave inversion" \t "See T wave:inversion" !] Comment: The patient was septic with peritonitis and had unstable blood pressure, wi
Report: Sinus rhythm Movement artefact consistent with tremor or fitting Comment: The rapid regular rhythm of both episodes is beyond the power of most percussion physiotherapists; at any rate (or, better, at this rate!), the patient was fitting. Vibrat
LVH: COCM in Tuberous Sclerosis
Report:Sinus rhythm 148/min SVEBs, some aberrant Left ventricular hypertrophy with ST/T changes Comment:In epiloia – sclérose tuberéuse de Bourneville – LVH is mostly seen with evidence of CCF, like in this infant with fractional shortening of only 13%
Unread Pre-Discharge ECG
Report: Sinus rhythm 58/min Left axis deviation - 50o Intraventricular conduction defect (IVCD) Probably LAHB + non-specific conduction delay Possible LVH Giant anteroseptal T wave inversion Prolonged QT interval 0.660” (QTc for 58/min 0.45”) Comm
Report:Sinus rhythm. Left atrial abnormality . Left ventricular hypertrophy with ST/T changes. Comment:Theoretically, the LAA and the ST/T changes could be a consequence of previous tachyarrhythmia (the "post-tachycardia syndrome"), and the LVH could b
Giant T Wave Inversion: Cerebral Hæmorrhage
Report: Sinus rhythm Left anterior hemiblock Giant T wave inversion Comment: The patient, ever more rousable, started complaining of severe headache and a lumbar puncture136 showed blood and xanthochromia; she was transferred to the ICU. It is not an i