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It's the ECG's that george rejects that makes George's ECG's the best.
Torsade de Pointes
Report: Sinus tachycardia 104/min First degree AV block (PR 0.25”) Borderline QTc prolongation (0.38”) VEBs, multiform Dimorphic couplet (beginning of bottom strip) Run of multiform ventricular tachycardia, probably torsade de pointes Comment: The b
Cerebral Mimicry of MI
Report: Sinus tachycardia 127/min Right atrial abnormality VEB Acute inferolateral (or, better, inferior + anterior) myocardial infarction Prolonged QT interval Comment: The last item, QT prolongation, is the only clue that this is not an ordinary my
Movement Artefact
Report: Sinus rhythm Movement artefact Comment: Once looked for, sinus P waves are easily discerned in front of most beats; the rest cannot, therefore, be genuine atrial activity. The regular normal rate is a clue that the rhythm is not AF, which would
Hypokalæmia - Giant U Waves
Report:Sinus rhythm 52/min Borderline right axis deviation +91o Right atrial abnormality Late transition Prolonged QT (QU) interval 0.72” Comment:It would not be possible to tell whether the apparent QT prolongation is due to a large U wave that had
Peaked Waves After Head Injury
Report:Sinus rhythm 80/min Borderline right axis deviation +90o Right atrial abnormality Tall peaked T waves ?cause Prolonged QT interval QTc 0.50” Comment:The T waves are, of course, typical of hyperkalæmia: narrow-based, tall and peaked. There wa
Absolute Small Voltage in Anasarca
Report:S tachycardia 111/min Absolute small voltage Poor R wave progression Comment:While frontal leads’ small voltage is too common to have great clinical significance, absolute small voltage is always pathological. Curiously, students almost invariab
ST Segment Depression in Pericarditis
Report:Sinus rhythm 84/min Borderline left atrial abnormality Left ventricular hypertrophy voltage ST segment elevation c/c pericarditis Comment:Even with a somewhat wobbly baseline, there is ST depression in V1. This is not a true reciprocal change:
Tricuspid Atresia
Report: Atrial tachycardia 150/min, variable block Ventriculophasic effect Left axis deviation –35o Nonspecific ST/T changes Prolonged QT interval Comment: The P waves are very broad and widely notched, like the sinus P waves (Fig 150a below). Both a
Volume Overload LVH
Report:Sinus rhythm 75/min Left atrial abnormality Left ventricular hypertrophy voltage Prominent T waves c/w volume overload Comment:In the diastolic overload of chronic aortic or mitral incompetence T waves may not only remain upright with LVH, but
Report:Sinus rhythm 72/min ST segment elevation c/c pericarditis Comment:The ST elevation involves both sets of leads – frontal and chest leads – and V6 is involved; electrocardiographic acute pericarditis. No other diagnosis is suggested. The next day